Australia-China joint meeting on Non-linear Partial Differential Equations (1 July - 6 July 2007)


Oaks Calypso Plaza offers a variety of suites and rooms. The default accommodation is a single room (studio apartment), and we are covering Australian invited delegates' accommodation from Sunday 1 July (arrival) to Friday 6 July (departure). We are covering Chinese invited delegates' accommodation from Sunday 1 July (arrival) to Saturday 7 July (departure).

If you require a larger apartment as you are travelling with family, or if you wish to stay for a longer period, you will need to contact the Oaks directly to make specific arrangements, and to pay the difference (we've arranged that the difference will be based on a conference rate for the extended stay/larger room).

Please contact the Oaks directly, during business hours Monday-Friday:

the contact person is Leanne TAYLOR


phone (07) 5599 0009

Please make sure you let her know which conference you are attending! There are two conferences being organized through UQ at the Oaks around that time. You should make these arrangements very soon, as the conference date coincides with both NSW and Qld. school holidays.

Coolangatta has a large choice of holiday-type accommodation including The Bay Apartments see map.

Also try Quick Beds.

Early booking is recommended as the meeting coincides with the Queensland school holidays.

Travel Information

Calypso Plaza is located at 99 Griffith Street or see Coolangatta map.

Southeast Queensland transport information

The journey from Brisbane Airport takes about 75 minutes:

The journey from Gold Coast Coolangatta Airport takes about 5 minutes:

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Currently maintained by Min-Chun Hong
Hosted by the Department of Mathematics
The University of Queensland